Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences 2024-06-02T00:00:00+00:00 HM Publisher Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences (OAIJSS)</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal. OAIJSS is intended to publish articles concerning with the results of research on social sciences miscellaneous. OAIJSS is published by &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CMHC (Research &amp; Sains Center)</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HM Publisher</a>. OAIJSS has eISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4252</a>. OAIJSS also has <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">International ISSN 2722-4252</a>.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><br></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/road.png" width="211" height="70"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">OAIJSS invites manuscripts in the various topics including: Social Sciences, Social Psychology, Public Policy and Administration, Sociology, Communication Science, International Relation, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Management, Art, Culture, Humanity, Education, Development, Languages, Literacy, Law, Criminology,&nbsp; and all aspects related social sciences.</p> The Ability of Brand Trust as a Mediator on the Determinants of Customer Loyalty: Study on Mie Sagu Waraka (SAWA) in Ambon, Indonesia 2024-02-26T04:32:33+00:00 Walter Tabelessy <p>The aim of this research is to investigate the determinants of customer loyalty for Mie Sagu Waraka (SAWA) in Ambon, which is analyzed using the factors of brand image, brand trust, product differentiation, and purchasing decisions, as well as testing the ability of brand trust as a mediating variable. This research is explanatory research using a questionnaire to obtain data from respondents, as many as 171 Mie Sagu Waraka (SAWA) customers obtained using a purposive sampling technique. PLS-SEM as a data analysis technique was used to test the hypothesis proposed in this research and analyzed using the help of the SmartPLS version-4 application. The results of data processing found that brand image does not have a significant influence on customer loyalty, brand trust has a significant influence on customer loyalty, image brand has a significant influence on brand trust, product differentiation has a significant influence on customer loyalty, purchasing decisions have a significant influence on customer loyalty, and product differentiation has a significant influence on purchasing decisions, and brand trust is able to significantly mediate the relationship between brand image and customer loyalty.</p> 2024-02-26T04:31:17+00:00 Copyright (c) The Relationship Between Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary and Musical Abilities in 5-6-year old Children in Kindergartens 2024-03-14T02:21:10+00:00 Kristína Šebianová <p>Young children (5-6 years old) are building strong foundations in language and music. Their phonemic awareness is developing, allowing them to identify and manipulate sounds in words. Vocabulary is rapidly expanding, with children learning new words and their meanings. Musical abilities are blossoming, with many children enjoying singing, keeping rhythm, and exploring instruments. However, there can be variations in these skills, and even gender differences in performance on some tasks. This study investigated the phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and musical abilities of 5-6-year-old children. We explored potential correlations between these domains and any gender differences in performance. Forty children (20 girls and 20 boys) from three kindergartens (two urban, one rural) were tested in June 2022. Three assessments were employed: Eľkonin's test of phonemic awareness, COWAT speech fluency test (vocabulary), and Bentley's test of musical abilities. Pearson's correlation coefficient analyzed relationships between the tests. A positive correlation was found between all three tests, suggesting potential links between phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and musical abilities. Interestingly, girls outperformed boys significantly in both Eľkonin's and Bentley's tests. Within Eľkonin's test, children achieved the highest scores in syllable synthesis (subtest No. 4) and the lowest scores in syllable deletion (subtest No. 10). This study suggests a connection between phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and musical abilities in young children. Additionally, it highlights potential gender differences in specific aspects of these domains. Further research is needed to explore the cause of these findings and their implications for early childhood education.</p> 2024-03-14T02:21:10+00:00 Copyright (c) Influence of Digital Literacy, Customer Intimacy, and Brand Image on Competitive Advantage 2024-03-20T02:41:50+00:00 Muhammad Dairobi Hastin Umi Anisah <p>The rapid evolution of digital markets necessitates an in-depth understanding of factors influencing the competitive advantage of digital-based SMEs, particularly within the food and beverage sector of Palangka Raya City. This research aims to dissect the roles of digital literacy, customer intimacy, and brand image in shaping the competitive landscape for these businesses. Focusing on owners and managers, the study utilizes a non-probability purposive sampling technique, engaging 106 respondents through questionnaires. Analysis was conducted using the PLS-SEM method against a backdrop of diverse demographics, primarily female entrepreneurs aged 21 to 30 years with varied educational backgrounds, operating micro-businesses for 1 to 5 years. Contrary to expectations, digital literacy did not show a significant impact on competitive advantage, a finding that diverges from common digital strategy assumptions. In contrast, customer intimacy and brand image were positively correlated with increased competitive advantage, highlighting their importance in the digital domain for SMEs in Palangka Raya City. These insights stress the critical need for SMEs to cultivate strong customer relationships and a robust brand presence, overshadowing the direct effects of digital literacy skills. The findings suggest a strategic pivot towards customer-centric and brand-oriented practices could be more beneficial for SMEs aiming for competitive superiority in the digital era. This study underscores the nuanced dynamics of competitive advantage in digital-based SMEs, offering a foundational guide for future strategic orientations.</p> 2024-03-20T02:41:50+00:00 Copyright (c) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Analysis for Teachers: A Case Study of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) Teachers on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Material 2024-03-29T06:07:05+00:00 Aqshal Arlian Raya Rima Vien Permata Hartanto Rusnaini <p>Pancasila and citizenship education (PPKn) plays an important role in cultivating the values of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in students. The PPKn teacher's ability to convey this material is very important. This research aims to analyze the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of PPKn teachers at SMA Negeri 5 Metro on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika material. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study of two class XII PPKn teachers. Data was collected through learning observations, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out using the Miles and Huberman technique. The research results showed that the first teacher showed PCK with good criteria in all components (teaching knowledge, student knowledge, and content knowledge). The second teacher showed PCK with fairly good criteria in all components. In general, both teachers have quite good PCK in teaching Bhinneka Tunggal Ika material. The first teacher showed better PCK than the second teacher.</p> 2024-03-29T06:07:04+00:00 Copyright (c) Factors Contributing to Environmentally Friendly Business Practices in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) With a Focus on Process Performance and Resources: Study of Local Culinary SMEs in North Kuin Village, South Kalimantan, Indonesia 2024-04-01T05:00:01+00:00 Hastin Umi Anisah Wimby Wandary Ariyani Wahyu Wijayanti <p>Environmentally friendly business practices (PBR) are often overlooked by small and medium enterprises (SMEs), even though they are proven to provide competitive advantages, reduce risks, encourage environmental sustainability, and increase organizational efficiency. This research analyzes the factors that influence PBR in local culinary SMEs, with a focus on process performance (PP) and SME resources. This research uses a quantitative approach with structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the influence of process performance (PP) and SME resources (fundamental resources (FR), upgrading capability (UC), and dynamic capabilities (DC)) on PBR in local culinary SMEs in North Kuin Village, South Kalimantan. The research results show that only fundamental resources (FR) and improvement capabilities (UC) influence PBR in local culinary SMEs. SMEs with access to resources and the ability to increase capacity have more potential to implement PBR.</p> 2024-04-01T05:00:01+00:00 Copyright (c) Analysis of the Educational Conditions of Two-Year-Old Children in Kindergartens in Slovakia: A Study from Teachers' Perspectives 2024-04-01T05:40:35+00:00 Milena Lipnická <p>The aim of the research was to find out teachers' opinions on selected conditions of upbringing and education of 2-year-old children in kindergartens in Slovakia. These may influence decisions about the admission of 2-year-old children to kindergarten and the quality of the conditions of their education. The research method was an online questionnaire, created and processed in SURVIO software. The survey was conducted in spring 2023. 594 kindergarten teachers completed the questionnaire. The results of the research showed that the family and the nursery are preferred for the upbringing and education of 2-year-old children (50.5%). If 2-year-old children are admitted to kindergarten, they must have certain prerequisites and be in a class with their peers (57.1%). They cannot wear diapers in kindergarten (79.7%) and have to cope with separation from parents (78.2%). 2-year-olds can be in kindergarten if a teacher's assistant works in the classroom (61.5%). Teachers (55.4%) do not prefer a health worker or caregiver with 2-year-olds (51%). For pedagogical work with 2-year-old children, teachers only need a secondary education (39.2%), some already have a bachelor's degree (27.2%). The results confirmed the insufficient methodological support of the issue by the state (60.5%) and the importance of the development of information and methodological material in the KEGA project No. 001UMB-4/2022. It will be used by teachers to improve the conditions for the education of two-year-old children in kindergartens in Slovakia.</p> 2024-04-01T05:40:35+00:00 Copyright (c) The Role of Open Innovation and Intellectual Capital on Business Sustainability: Study of Furniture MSMEs in Banjarmasin, Indonesia 2024-04-02T04:55:13+00:00 Hamdani Arief Hastin Umi Anisah <p>Furniture MSMEs in Banjarmasin City face various challenges in achieving business sustainability. This research aims to identify and analyze the influence of open innovation on the sustainability of the MSME furniture business and analyze the influence of intellectual capital on the sustainability of the MSME furniture business. This research used a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents, namely owners and managers of furniture MSMEs in Banjarmasin City. The sampling technique uses non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and PLS-based SEM with SmartPLS4.0. Open innovation (X1) and intellectual capital (X2) have a positive and significant influence on business sustainability (Y). In conclusion, open innovation and intellectual capital are important factors that contribute to the sustainability of the MSME furniture business in Banjarmasin City.</p> 2024-04-02T04:55:13+00:00 Copyright (c) Analysis of the Effect of Work Environment and Workload on Work Quality with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable: Study on Employees of Bank Mandiri KCP Sungai Danau Indonesia 2024-04-03T04:58:52+00:00 Muhammad Rifqi Ridhanoor Meiske Claudia <p>Work environment and workload are two important factors that can influence employee motivation and work quality. This research aims to analyze and determine the influence of the work environment and workload on work motivation, as well as the influence of work motivation and workload on the work quality of Bank Mandiri KCP Sungai Danau employees. This research uses quantitative methods with a questionnaire as a research instrument. The research sample was 69 employees of Bank Mandiri KCP Sungai Danau, who were selected using a saturated sampling technique. Data were analyzed using structure equation modeling (SEM) analysis techniques with the SmartPLS program. The research results show that the work environment has no significant effect on work motivation, Workload has a significant effect on work motivation, the work environment has a significant effect on work quality, Workload has a significant effect on work quality, Work motivation has no significant effect on work quality, Work environment through motivation work does not have a significant effect on work quality, workload through work motivation does not have a significant effect on work quality. In conclusion, the environment and workload are proven to have a positive influence on work quality, and workload has a positive influence on the work motivation of Bank Mandiri KCP Sungai Danau employees. Work motivation has not been proven to influence work quality.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)