The submitted manuscript should be addressed to editor in chief of Open Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences. Manuscript must be submitted through email .


The submitted manuscript should be a text that has not been published nor is it before another journal for consideration, in English. We accept original article, case studies and review article.


A. Research Article (Original Article)

Manuscript should contain an original research article in the field of social sciences. The systematics are as follow:

Title of Manuscript, 12pt, Bookman Old Style

Author’s name (First Name Surname)1*, Author’s name (First Name Surname)2

1Department of…., Faculty….., University…, City, Country

2Department of…., Faculty….., University…, City, Country

The Abstract should be no more than 250 words, with 3-5 key words. It should not be descriptive, but should contain only important facts raised from the manuscript. The abstract should be written into a single paragraph that briefly summarises each main section of introduction, methods, results and conclusion of your paper.  

    1. Introduction

    Introduction represents a short description of the problem described in the manuscript and purpose of the study. There is a need to mention only the references in the direct relationship with a problem presented in manuscript. Continue logically and finish the section with a short description of the aim of the study.

    1. Literature Review

    Literature review represents a theory related of research or study. Literature review should represent effective.

    1. Methods

    Methods should present concisely and systematically a list of basic procedures, selection of study subjects or laboratory animals, methods of observations and analysis. Avoid listing common or irrelevant methods (use reference instead).

    1. Results and discussion

    Results section should represent a list your basic results without any introduction. Only essential statistical significances should be added in brackets. Draw no conclusions as yet: they belong into the next section. Discussion includes interpretation of study findings and results considered in the context of results in other trials reported in the literature.

    Tables, figures and illustrations

    Illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Data reported in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. We accept up to five tables/figures.

    Each table/figure/illustration should be presented on a separate page in the smaller format possible and contain: a) descriptive or explanatory title; b) respective number (using Arabic, not roman numerals) consecutively as cited in the text; c) all the necessary explanations of symbols and abbreviations.

    Tables. Table title should be placed above the table. Use the MS Word table tool (table’s editor). Abbreviations may be used, but must be explained in full as footnotes. Units of measurement must be clearly indicated.

    Place explanatory matter in footnotes. Explain in footnotes all abbreviations that are used in each table. Mark the footnotes using the following symbols, in this sequence: *,†,‡,§,II,¶,**,††,‡‡,...

    Figures. The title should be placed below the figure. Hard copy of all figures (MS Excel/cdr/eps files) must be prepared and retained by authors in case it is needed during the publication process.

    Illustrations must be delivered in high-quality electronic format, labelled with the number and author name. To protect privacy of individuals, only body part of the interest should be presented; in the case of the need to present some pathological changes on the head, only particular detail should be presented.

    1. Conclusion

    Conclusions should be stated in a short, clear and simple manner, stemming directly from the results shown in the paper. Rather than summarizing the data, conclude from them.


B. Narrative Literature Review (NLR)

Manuscript should contain an NLR in the field of social sciences. The systematics are as follow:


Title of Manuscript, 12pt, Bookman Old Style

Author’s name (First Name Surname)1*, Author’s name (First Name Surname)2

             1Department of…., Faculty….., University…, City, Country

             2Department of…., Faculty….., University…, City, Country

The Abstract should be no more than 250 words, with 3-5 key words. It should not be descriptive, but should contain only important facts raised from the manuscript, without structured abstract.

  1. Introduction

Introduction represents a short description of the problem described in the manuscript and purpose of the study. There is a need to mention only the references in the direct relationship with a problem presented in manuscript. Continue logically and finish the section with a short description of the aim of the study.1,2

Section of Narrative Review

Section of narrative review contain section of review that would be published in narrative review.

Tables, figures and illustrations

Illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Data reported in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. We accept up to five tables/figures.

Each table/figure/illustration should be presented on a separate page in the smaller format possible and contain: a) descriptive or explanatory title; b) respective number (using Arabic, not roman numerals) consecutively as cited in the text; c) all the necessary explanations of symbols and abbreviations.

Tables. Table title should be placed above the table. Use the MS Word table tool (table’s editor). Abbreviations may be used, but must be explained in full as footnotes. Units of measurement must be clearly indicated.

Place explanatory matter in footnotes. Explain in footnotes all abbreviations that are

used in each table. Mark the footnotes using the following symbols, in this sequence:


Figures. The title should be placed below the figure. Hard copy of all figures (MS Excel/cdr/eps files) must be prepared and retained by authors in case it is needed during the publication process.

Illustrations must be delivered in high-quality electronic format, labelled with the number and author name. To protect privacy of individuals, only body part of the interest should be presented; in the case of the need to present some pathological changes on the head, only particular detail should be presented.

2. Conclusion

Conclusions should be stated in a short, clear and simple manner, stemming directly from the results shown in the paper. Rather than summarizing the data, conclude from them.


C. Systematic Literature Review - Meta Analysis

Manuscript should contain an original research article in the field of social sciences. The systematics are as follow:


Title of Manuscript, 12pt, Bookman Old Style

Author’s name (First Name Surname)1*, Author’s name (First Name Surname)2

1Department of…., Faculty….., University…, City, Country

2Department of…., Faculty….., University…, City, Country

The Abstract should be no more than 250 words, with 3-5 key words. It should not be descriptive, but should contain only important facts raised from the manuscript. The abstract should be written into a single paragraph that briefly summarises each main section of introduction, methods, results and conclusion of your paper.  

  1. Introduction

Introduction represents a short description of the problem described in the manuscript and purpose of the study. There is a need to mention only the references in the direct relationship with a problem presented in manuscript. Continue logically and finish the section with a short description of the aim of the study.1,2

  1. Methods

Methods should present concisely and systematically a list of summarize data sources, including years searched. Include in the search the most current information possible, ideally conducting the search several months before the date of manuscript submission. Potential sources include computerized databases and published indexes, registries, abstract booklets, conference proceedings, references identified from bibliographies of pertinent articles and books, experts or research institutions active in the field, and companies or manufacturers of tests or agents being reviewed. Describe inclusion and exclusion criteria used to select studies for detailed review from among studies identified as relevant to the topic. Under details of selection include particular populations, interventions, outcomes, or methodological designs. Specify the method used to apply these criteria (for example, blinded review,consensus, multiple reviewers). State the proportion of initially identified studies that met selection criteria. Describe guidelines used for abstracting data and assessing data quality and validity (such as criteria for causal inference). State the method by which the guidelines were applied (eg, independent extraction by multiple observers). Authors should report systematic reviews and meta-analyses in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement

  1. Results and discussion

Results section should represent a list your basic results without any introduction. Only essential statistical significances should be added in brackets. Draw no conclusions as yet: they belong into the next section.

Tables, figures and illustrations

Illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Data reported in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. We accept up to five


Each table/figure/illustration should be presented on a separate page in the smaller format possible and contain: a) descriptive or explanatory title; b) respective number (using Arabic, not roman numerals) consecutively as cited in the text; c) all the necessary explanations of symbols and abbreviations.

Tables. Table title should be placed above the table. Use the MS Word table tool (table’s editor). Abbreviations may be used, but must be explained in full as footnotes. Units of measurement must be clearly indicated.

Place explanatory matter in footnotes. Explain in footnotes all abbreviations that are

used in each table. Mark the footnotes using the following symbols, in this sequence:


Figures. The title should be placed below the figure. Hard copy of all figures (MS Excel/cdr/eps files) must be prepared and retained by authors in case it is needed during the publication process.

Illustrations must be delivered in high-quality electronic format, labelled with the number and author name. To protect privacy of individuals, only body part of the interest should be presented; in the case of the need to present some pathological changes on the head, only particular detail should be presented.

  1. Conclusion

Conclusions should be stated in a short, clear and simple manner, stemming directly from the results shown in the paper. Rather than summarizing the data, conclude from them.


Reference writing  

All the references mentioned in the text should be cited in the “Author-Date” format, for example (Woodward 1987), (Schuman and Scott 1987); An author-date citation in running text or at the end of a block quotation consists of the last (family) name of the author, followed by the year of publication of the work in question. In this context, author may refer not only to one or more authors or an institution but also to one or more editors, translators, or compilers. No punctuation appears between author and date. Abbreviations such as ed. or trans. are omitted.

  • Journal Articles:
    1. Author 1, and Author 2. Year. Title of the Article. Journal Title 6: 100–10.
  • Books and Book Chapters:
    2. Author 1, and Author 2. 2008. Book Title, rev. ed. Publication place: Publisher, pp. 154–96.
    3. Author 1, and Author 2. 2008. Title of the chapter. In Book Title, 2nd ed. Edited by Editor 1 and Editor 2. Publication place: Publisher, vol. 3, pp. 54–96.
  • Unpublished work, submitted work, personal communication:
    4. Author 1, and Author 2. Title of Unpublished Work. Journal Title, phrase indicating stage of publication.
    5. Author 1 (University, City, State, Country), and Author 2 (Institute, City, State, Country). Year. Personal communication.
  • Conference Proceedings:
    6. Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3. Year. Title of Presentation. In Title of the Collected Work (if available). Paper presented at Name of the Conference, Location of Conference, Date of Conference. Edited by Editor 1, Editor 2 and Editor 3 (if available). Publication place: Publisher (if available); Abstract Number (optional), Pagination (optional).
  • Thesis:
    7. Author 1. Year. Title of Thesis. Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting University, City, Country. Date (if available). Identification information (if available).
  • Websites:
    8. Author 1, and Author 2. Year. Title of the article. Magazine/Journal Name. Available online: URL (accessed on Day Month Year).
    Unlike published works, websites may change over time or disappear, so we encourage you create an archive of the cited website using a service such as WebCite. Archived websites should be cited using the link provided as follows:
    9. Title of Site. Available online: URL (archived on Day Month Year).

Reference management software

Please use reference management software such as Mendeley or Zotero. Your reference should be written according Harvard Reference Style.