All articles in this issue include authors from Indonesia.


Published: Feb 2, 2024

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Individual Characteristics on Police Employee Performance of Deli Tua Police Officers, Indonesia

1305-1309 Ibnu Rizki Sobirin, Awaludin, Khamo Waruwu

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Stock Returns with Profitability as a Moderating Variable on the LQ-45 Stock Index

1310-1314 Nofimbi Fitriani, Ali Sadikin

Do Workload, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem Affect Banking Employee Performance?

1315-1322 Didik Arif Raihan, Meiske Claudia, R.R. Yulianti Prihatiningrum

The Influence of Digital Marketing Strategy on Increasing Sales Volume in the New Normal Era: A Case Study at CitraLand Ambon, Indonesia

1323-1331 Feky Reken

The Factors That Influence the Level of Underpricing of Shares in Non-Financial Companies That Conduct IPO (Initial Public Offering) on the Indonesian Stock Exchange

1332-1338 Minawati Dewi, Ali Sadikin, Fahmi Roy Dalimunthe

The Influence of Investment Education, Risk Perception, and Technological Advances on Students' Interest in Stock Investment

1339-1342 Rio Susanto

Market Reaction to the Announcement of Rights Issues in Bank Sub-Sector Issuers on the Indonesian Stock Exchange

1343-1348 Noor Hafia Rezki, Meina Wulansari Yusniar

Ethics of Public Administration

1349-1356 Fikri Eka Aji Machmud, Denok Kurniasih, Tobirin Tobirin

Efforts to Realize Good Governance through Collaborative Governance in Sambirata Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency in the Development of Cardamom Cultivation

1357-1365 Sri Rotul Marfuah, Tobirin, Denok Kurniasih

The Influence of Promotion and Product Quality on Competitive Advantage: Study on CV. Putri Bungsu

1366-1374 Siti Nabila Rasida, Hastin Umi Anisah