All articles in this issue include authors from 2 countries of origin (Afghanistan and Indonesia).


Published: Apr 23, 2024

The Effect of Brand Experience, Brand Loyalty, and Self-Congruity on Positive Word of Mouth with Brand Love as an Intervening Variable: A Study in Banjarbaru Starbucks Customers

1375-1380 RR. Yulianti Prihatiningrum, Sutan Naufal Al Khadafi

The Application of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Analysis Method as the Basis of Stock Investment Decision Making: Study of 18 Technology Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

1381-1390 Ade Irma Setya Negara

The Phenomena of The Cryptocurrency Fall in The Sharia Economic View

1391-1397 Ade Irma Setya Negara

Green Marketing in Sustainable Business: Utilizing Fly Ash as a Cement Substitute to Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Mortar Industry

1398-1404 Ade Irma Setya Negara, Destiana Tunggal Pramesti, Muhammad Sodikun

The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Military Organizational Culture on Soldier Performance at Makorem 101/Antasari

1405-1419 Ari Aryanto, Ahmad Alim Bachri, Hastin Umi Anisah

Crafting Loyalty: How Social, Seductive, and Recreational Experiences Shape Mall-Goers' Fidelity Through Visitor Satisfaction

1420-1428 Elma Oktaviani

Comparative Analysis of MySejahtera and SatuSehat Application Use after the COVID-19 Pandemic

1429-1436 Intan Setyaningrum

Hyperreality of Gacoan Noodles in the Foodstagramming Trend on Instagram Social Media

1437-1444 Patricia Robin, Elisti Halimuci

Analyzing the Influence of Social Media on Pro-Environmental Behavior via the Mediation of Pro-Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes among Middle School Students in Bandung Regency, Indonesia

1445-1452 Julian Amriwijaya, Sunggoro Trirahardjo

The Role of Product Innovation, Accounting Competency, and Online Transactions (E-Commerce) in Increasing Competitiveness in MSMEs, Alalak District, Batola Regency, Indonesia

1453-1464 Hastin Umi Anisah, Sustinah Limarjani, Rifqi Novriyandana, Rasidah

Analyzing the Challenges and Opportunities in Raising Public Awareness About the Hazards of Natural Disasters Among Junior High School Students in Bandung Regency, Indonesia

1465-1472 Julian Amriwijaya, Tutty I. Sodjakusumah

The Role of IT (Information Technology) Audit in Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges

1473-1482 Mirwali Azizi, Musawer Hakimi, Frishta Amiri, Amir Kror Shahidzay